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A new Block awaits

A new block of training begins and we cover that off on the Podcast, - BEVE WITH BENN - Epesiode 12

This week I sat down with a beverage from Brisbane, Beer of choice, Brew Dog - Hazy Jane Guava.

Yes UTA is now in the past. A new block is in the mix, and for me as well as a few others are happy to now refocus and work towards our A Race for 2023 !! UTMB. The new block and 14 weeks away will fly by in no time. We discuss the weekend socials and what they will look like. Training in some different locations with a bit of altitude Mount Royal and Barrington Tops. You can see the sessions on your training peaks account.

The phase we will currently focus on will be the building phase, where the strength session will about accumulation of load, building strength and the workouts will involve workouts that will increase and get longer for the next 4 weeks and in about 6 weeks there will be a lot racing in either port mac for the Elephant Race or in Brisbane for the BTU. So the next 4 weeks will be a good block to then race and absorb that load and then hit the next phase to rebuild and take the fitness from the race to the next level.

Getting more specific with the terrain and simulating the course the best we can with what we have in Newcastle and the surrounding areas. The long runs getting longer, testing out your poles and nutrition to prepare the best we can physically and mentally!!

Excited for what is ahead and cant wait to experience it with you all. Thanks again for all that made it out on Sunday afternoon for a few drinks, and how good were those chips and gravy :)

Below is a little recap on what was discussed in the podcast, Congratulations to Kristen for her race, Glasshouse 50km !! Nice job and by the sounds of it, saw a beautiful sunrise, some solid hills and nailed her nutrition.

Danielle wanted to know a little more on what happens when you don't train to your own race intensities and close off with 5 QF's with Benn, from Dillon Rinn.


  • Shayon James

  • Trish Guy

  • Shane Booby


  • Glasshouse Ultra

  • Bay 2 Bay 12km + Half Marathon

  • The Lakes 100

  • Brisbane Trail Ultra

  • The Guzzler Ultra

  • Elephant Trail Race

  • UTMB



What went well? My nutrition. I’ve struggled to find carbohydrates/electrolytes that don’t upset my stomach. I finally found the right combination - Spring Energy gels and LMNT electrolytes.

What didn't work or went bad? My shoes. I decided to wear my old shoes and not the new ones I bought recently. I felt all the rocks sticking into my feet and my feet got really sore towards the end of the race.

How did you overcome the challenge? I didn’t, I didn’t bring a backup pair of shoes to change into. I just had to keep going and finish the race.

What was the best part of the event? Watching the sunrise behind the Glasshouse Mountains. I opted for an early race start (3 am), which meant I got to see the sunrise. It was bright orange. I would’ve stopped and taken a photo, but there were trees covering the shot.

All the ultra finishers got a coffee mug. I love my current coffee mug, I got it at another ultra race about 10yrs ago. So I was really excited to get another one.

Did you celebrate? I bought myself two local IPA beers and plan to have them soon.

  • 10 Toes Brewing (Lucid Dreams IPA)

  • Glass house Brewery - West Coast IPA


  • Mount Royal - Beginning of June

  • Barrington Top - End of June



  • Long runs - Time or Distance

  • Fueling - Fuel or Fasted

  • 16-12 Week Blocks / 4-week Cycles to adsorb the loads for each cycle

  • Phases of Training - Endurance Base - 4 weeks

  • Build 1 Phase - 4 weeks increasing load and specific sessions

  • Build 2 Phases - 4 weeks increasing load and specific sessions

  • Peak - Specific - 2 weeks holding peak fitness / short sharp - Taper

  • Race

  • Paces - Aerobic long runs/endurance

  • Sessions with long runs/race pace efforts - stairs - hills - specific course recons

  • Heart Rate - Power Metres

  • Testing Fitness - Testing Equipment - Nutrition

  • Balance Training and life - tired and lacking motivation are key signs

  • Loss of energy - the morning wake-up test

  • Supplements - Iron / Vitamin B - Zinc and Vitamin C making sure you are absorbing the nutrients and minerals into your system


  • Racing Intensities - What happens if I don't train for the race intensities?

  • Heart Rate increases - can’t settle it down and goes erratic

  • Breathing is out of control

  • Panic and mental state go out of control

  • Nutrition won't go down and will make you sick and likely to lose nutrition

  • Your legs go lactic and you can’t flush them out and cramp

  • Negative thoughts and you get filled with emotion/anxiety are enhanced

  • Next week - post questions in Messenger or FB page

5 QF’s WITH BENN (quick facts) Dillon Rinn

  • Favorite Race Experience? My favourite race experience would of course be my first race. The race that quite literally got me into the sport and ultimately shifted my priorities from then on. ETR 2018

  • Being off of work with a broken scaphoid I was over sitting around the house and came across an ultramarathon that was happening in 2 weeks up at Port Macquarie. I drove up on my own with absolutely no idea of what an ultra race entailed, but started the race and met so many incredibly kind people who came together in support for one another and even though running a tough course, we’re so happy and friendly. I’ve never seen that in any other sport, or at the least been a part of it. I quickly found out how tough it was, but thinking you’re done vs physically being done was something I took away the most, and learning no matter what you think, you’ve always got more. I ended up somehow finishing in 2nd place for the 100miles and could not walk at all for the next month, but I was hooked and loved ever second of it.

  • Race you want to do? The race that would be at the top of my list to complete/ compete in would be Moab 240 due to the toughness of it, the history, the athletes who have raced it before and the distance that will undoubtedly pull you apart at some point and force you to dig deeper and empty your fuel tank with everything you’ve got left.

  • Best Learning and Running / Training Tip? My best learning tip which now seems so easy to understand and obvious, but one I initially struggled with understanding and I believe a lot of others may have the same experience. ‘Easy running’. Run easy to run fast. Learning and implementing easy aerobic HR running has made such a difference, and obviously allows my body to get the work in, but also recover for my harder speed sessions when they come around. Another tip is consistency. Through any goal, consistency will always be the driving force that determines how efficiently and prepared the body will be on the days you need to ask for it to perform.

  • Favorite Session of the week? My favourite session is quickly becoming the weekly speed sessions. It’s exciting physically seeing improvements in pace overtime, which allows my running as a whole become more effortless and quicker, but it also develops a tougher mindset for when you need to push yourself in a session and find that extra gear.

  • Fun Fact / Something about you? Quick fun fact is that I am a triplet (2 boys and a girl), non-identical, but still an interesting fact I suppose. Another one would be the world record I picked up from running ETR 2020 100km with a weighted vest on.

Stroke No Limits Coaching - stick to the mantra of my 3 D’s #desire #determination #discipline


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