Creating a Lifestyle Change
Here's a little tip and clues that I thought I would
Acknowledging the need for change is the first step to reaching your goal, however lofty.
We are all on a journey to better ourselves.
You acknowledge that you need to get better at something, improve your lifestyle from exercise and nutrition intake and your own mindsets and beliefs...
You know that this will make you feel and function better, a leaner, healthier and maybe even a happier person :)Â
Acknowledging the need for change is the first step to reaching you goal, however lofty.
What comes next though is key - the action you take.
Follow Daily Planner - Rock Dairy (use my phone/calendar and Diary)eful for and who you have in your lifeimes of the day to help when those times are challenging. To stay in focus and getting through those moments of the day as it helps to keep focus.
Once you’ve decided on the actions, you need a constant reminder, something to make you remember how important your goal is to you, especially when temptation occurs. So you are aware of your thoughts and he actions, catching the thoughts and bring you back to focus.
Here are some tips and steps to help you do this?
These strategy are some of the daily actions and habits I have done personally and what I have build and established with many of my clients, athletes, with have proved and given great success in all changes and achievements in the adjustments to creating a better lifestyle, habit and routine.
It’s is simple but the simple practice has to be consistent and action has to be consistent Rd and focused on to begin and stay on track :)
Write down you goals and make them visible, preferably the first thing you see each morning.
- Read them out load before you start your day.
For me, I have them on my phone and have alerts and reminders of my personal goals and business goals , along with daily actions and practices.
Starting the day in focus and switch on to work towards my values and goals.
I also have mindsets / quotes to help me switch on and stay on track during the day, Some appear at certain times of the day to help when those times are challenging. To stay in focus and getting through those moments of the day as it helps to keep focus.
- Ask yourself (HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT)
- Tell the voices to shut up and just do it !!!!
- Gratitude / think of those around you and or what you have to be grateful for and who you have in your life
It reminds me what I want and what’s important to me. Holding strong to my values and purpose.
I know that if I do those things every day, relentlessly I will get closer to my goals.
- What Value are you going to give to your clients today????
- Change people's lives, to motivate and inspire everyone I come into contact with to be a better person & live a healthy lifestyle, changing their nutrition & exercise patterns every day
Unfortunately, most try and change and or do too much, so you reduce the feeling of being restricted so that what you plans and your goals are unrealistic to achieve. - keep it simple, and small changes one at a time, be prepared to change and to adapt, set ourselves up for success....n being the best version of yourself !!!Â
- inspiring
- energized
- disciplined Â
- caring
- passionate
Then I would have weekly and monthly targets within that.
The actions would be things like:
Follow Daily Planner - Rock Dairy (use my phone / calendar and Diary)
Follow Training plan and eat to food plan
Contact at least 5 Clients and Athletes Daily
Read Daily
Complete a motivational. Blog or post daily
Alongside this, you need a diary/planner so that your day is organised and planned, so that you don't waste time and lose track with distractions.
Help getting more from the day, not just through the day.
Unfortunately, most try and change and or do too much, so you reduce the feeling of being restricted so that what you plans and your goals are unrealistic to achieve. - keep it simply, and small changes one at a time, be prepared to change and to adapt, set ourselves up for success....
This is why I wrote my book - Become a Fat Burning Machine and to why I share my Rock Dairy and my Training Plans / Food Plans to try and help others stay focused and stay focused to have the desire to challenge and continue to battle and change habits to stop comparing and just focus on being the best version of yourself !!!Â
If you have passion and you value your goals and changes in lifestyle - there are no limits to what you can achieve !!!! #DesireDeterminationDiscipline #BestVersionOfSelf @Stroke No Limits
