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A week of Momentum.....

The Weekly Recap

- For more detailed recap, interviews with the athletes and coaches corner, click in the link for the Podcast Beve with Benn Episode 4 -

Building week on week, great to see some results from the group. A consistent block building results and momentum to achieve bigger things ahead. It's been great to see how far some of the team have come in the last few weeks. Showing up each week, continuing to push through the zones, getting uncomfortable and challenging themselves. This is witness to what I and others have noticed with the team. Turning up for a long run to which had been shy in the past, being in fear of not fitting it or being too slow, finding out that its all about being a group and working with each other. Doing speed work, not worrying about how fast you are but its how hard your own effort is that counts. Adopting strength training into your schedule in the fear of not knowing what your doing but again having that network of supportive people around you to help and remove the fear. You do fit in.

My 3 D's #desire #determination #discipline these are all the attributes to what the team have shown in the last few weeks, Excited to what this continued momentum will lead to in the future.

We kicked the Monday off with the new Strength Session @ One Tribe Fitness, building now into the races ahead. Tuesday morning at Lambton and in the afternoon is at Maitland. Speed session involving some 800m with 300m . Settling. The groups are a good mix for all levels, adapting to each level and the Thursday Trail session is the same for the AM and PM groups. The Trail Session was a hilly tempo 2 x 3-4km, the athletes that had raced six foot were able to get more recovery and didn't hit any thresholds. Wednesday Strength is continuing to grow and was a great workout mixing it up from the Monday. Friday's are for mobility to which we had a good stretch and release. Sunday Long run took us back out to Sugarloaf, only a few were brave enough for the hit of the hills :) well done to Brett and Linda, conquering the hill repeats!! Most of the group had different events on a celebrated some friends birthday's :0) Letting the hair down once in a while we won't hold that against them :) especially when some recovery was needed form past races.

This week we are on the program - Tuesdays speed work is 1km Reps and Thursday Trails is a specific 1km circuit for tempo's. Sunday long run will in Wakefield for Wooters Not a Race and or the Hill 2 Harbour 12km Race

Here is the interview with Kristen Sukkar covering off her experience at the L Lithgow Ridgy Didge Trail Festival 13km - Result = 3rd Female overall.

Race Report: Kristen Sukkar - Lithgow Ridgy Didge Trail Festival.

  • What went well? I stayed relaxed throughout the race, I knew there’d be some steep climbs, so I just did my usual run the hills that were runnable and power walk the steeper sections.

  • What didnt work or went bad? I had a sinus infection the two weeks prior to the event, so I wasn’t even sure if I’d be well enough to compete a week prior to the event.

  • Who did you over come the challenge? I was supposed to do the marathon event and ended up changing to the 13km at the last minute.

  • What was the best part of the event? exploring part of the Blue Mountains I hadn’t seen before.

  • Did you celebrate? Yes, I had a nice glass of rosé with dinner + a massage.

COACHES CORNER (Energy Levels)

Not a sponsor or partner just like their products

3 products i use - Pillar Performance Products - Triple Magnesium - Ultra Immune - Ultra B Active - they have training packages and different combos depending on what products you are looking for - there is also a subscription that automatically sends out products on the recommended serves in a period.

For a more details on this segments turn into the podcast and here more of Jason's 5 QF (quick facts) with Benn and much more.

Thanks team, happy training and racing. See you all soon.

1 Comment

Mar 27, 2023

The weekly recap really nailed it Benn! Fear is a powerful force that can hold us all back & it’s confronting at times to break that down & face it, then to own it & then to step into what you think is going to happen! When your worst fear doesn’t happen, it’s empowering to feel the celebration of “I did it!!” I beat it, I can do it & more! Thanks heaps for your time, experience & passion to share with us 😘

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