It's called work for a reason...+ Latest Update

One of the first personal development books I purchased and read, It's called work for a reason, written by Larry Winget. I straight shooter, to the point with some harsh upfront reality checked, to which might be quiet confronting and may not take with the current workspace of the new age of generations coming into work these days. But like every personal development - it's your own journey and experience, so take what nuggets you can from everything you read, not all is going to work for you, but taking multiple nuggets from different people is only going to help with your own personal development. Tell your own story.
Link to the book and his other books -
It's called work for a reason, basically yes you have to do the work, and its work. Not always easy, you don't always want to do it and or be there. But when you do it and achieve something, how good is that feeling! The accomplishment, knowing how hard to worked for the result. Looking at the journey to where you started to where you arrive at and the pattern of the days of work, to weeks for the outcome you have deserved and achieved. Banking all those challenging times in your mind that you wanted to quit, wanted to stop, but you pushed through and bit through it piece by piece not giving in, holding on to your goals and desire to stay determined with the daily disciplines of turning up and doing the work. Yes that is were my 3 D's derive from, desire, determination and discipline.
Your occupation, like exercise, its works the same and requires the same mental strengths and belief systems, intertwine with each other. The same characteristics to what makes people successful. this is not to say you have to be the best, the fastest or the richest. But your own best, being great at your job, being the best partner, parent you can be, being a good friend. Showing pride and passion in your job and or the sport of your choosing. Beating your own times, finishing challenging races, and giving everything your best shot no matter the result. You did the work and you achieved it.
You won't have it easy all the time. Things will fall apart around you, a deal goes back, you or your team make a mistake, someone comings in with a better offer or has better resources that you can't control. An injury appears and you can't get on top of it and you stuck on a merry-go-round. Times when you feel beaten and broken in a relationship, the other side tries to take everything around you. Playing games and using others and the things that are most important against you. Your helpless in that time. Especially if you have the personality type of being a fixer and you it's something you can't do. Make its feel impossible to deal with. Being try to yourself, doing the work in the background, sticking through the challenges, overcoming niggles and injuries as these are all setbacks, not fatal. Light will arrive at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't see it now. Stay true to the personal you are, the athlete you want to be. Things will turn around, time and patience in the process of the big picture, your fitness will come back, muscles have memory, the negative people will not last. Things will come back into place, more opportunities will arise and you will be better equipped and stronger for when the times arrive.
For the lastest listen on the Beve with Benn Podcast, Epesiode 14 -
Andrew Palmer
Peter Carter
Andrew Gardner
Last week's training sessions (Strava)
Strava Leaderboard
Training Peaks - SNL Group
Next weeks Sessions
Refer Training Peaks
UTMB - Sunday Sessions - Sugarloaf
Maitland River Run
Apologies the podium results are all mixed up Results mixed up
Caleb Chrishlom - 2nd overall - 14:10 1st AG
Craig Sandy - 17:12 AG 3rd
Charlotte Chrishlom - 18:24 AG 1st
Matilda Smith - 20:33 AG 3rd
Noah Smith - 31:09 2nd overall and 1st AG
Geoff Cooke - 34:17 AG 3rd
Craig Sandy - 52:00 AG 1st
Melissa Ralph - 54:04 AG 1st
Jeremy Campbell - 56:23 AG 1st
Colin Minter - 1:38:05 AG 1st
Linda Minter - 2:07:14 AG 1st
JEREMEY CAMPBELL ( Maitland River Run 12km)
The start and finish went well because I started and finished strong.
What didn’t go well?
Right shoulder became sore about 7km and could feel a blister coming up.
How did you overcome the challenge?
Just kept running, tried to pace a bit slower.
What was the best part of the race?
The end was the best as it was the finish.
Did you celebrate?
Yes with a caramel milkshake at the cafe
Bay 2 Bay 12km + Half Marathon
Lakes 100
Brisbane Trail Ultra
The Guzzler Ultra
Elephant Trail Race
John O”Rouke
Margaret River Ultra (80K)
As this was my first run over 50k, I stuck to my first proper 14 week training plan.
What went well
My nutrition, as I am a big Cramper, this is something I put a lot of effort into getting right.
What didn’t go well
My ankle gave way at 68K - an old injury flared up
What did you over come the challenge?
Thankfully I grabbed my poles at the second last pit stop so I knuckled down and Power Walked the last section.
As time went on, I actually felt stronger and finished 5 minutes ahead of my projected time.
Best part of the event?
My fellow runners, they were inspirational.
Also having my wife crew for me for the first time - she was bricking it!!
Celebrated the next day with a few cold Margaret River beers and a big bowl of Mussels.
Barrington Top - Sunday 2nd July
Mt Royal - Sunday 9th July
Sunday Runs - All welcome (Wakefield Loop)
UTMB Training Sessions
Training for running in mountains requires specific preparation due to the unique challenges and terrain involved. Here are some tips to help you train effectively for mountain running:
Build a solid base: Prior to tackling mountain running, it's essential to have a good foundation of running fitness. Gradually increase your mileage and running frequency on flat or hilly terrain to develop cardiovascular endurance and overall running strength.
Incorporate hill workouts: Hills are a fundamental component of mountain running. Include regular hill workouts in your training routine. Start with shorter, less steep hills and gradually progress to longer and steeper ones. This will help develop leg strength, power, and the ability to handle elevation changes.
Train on varied terrain: Mix up your training surfaces to mimic the conditions you'll encounter in the mountains. Seek out trails, technical terrain, and uneven surfaces to improve your balance, agility, and proprioception. This will help you adapt to the unpredictable nature of mountain running.
Include elevation gain in your runs: To simulate the demands of mountain running, incorporate elevation gain in your training. Seek out hilly routes or run on a treadmill set at an incline. Gradually increase the elevation gain over time to prepare your body for the climbs and descents in the mountains.
Practice uphill and downhill running: Focus on both uphill and downhill running techniques. For uphill running, maintain a steady effort and shorten your stride, using your arms for propulsion. For downhill running, practice controlled descents, leaning slightly forward, and using your arms for balance. Proper technique will help you conserve energy and prevent injuries.
Strength training: Supplement your running with strength training exercises that target the muscles used in mountain running. Emphasize exercises such as squats, lunges, calf raises, and core exercises to improve overall strength, stability, and resilience.
Mental preparation: Mountain running can be mentally challenging. Prepare yourself by visualizing success, developing mental toughness, and practicing positive self-talk. Embrace the rugged and unpredictable nature of the mountains, and stay focused and resilient during your training runs.
Gradual progression: As with any training, it's crucial to progress gradually to prevent injuries. Gradually increase the duration, intensity, and difficulty of your runs, allowing your body to adapt to the demands of mountain running.
Hydration and nutrition: Staying properly hydrated and fueling your body with balanced nutrition is crucial at altitude. Be vigilant about maintaining hydration levels, as the lower humidity and increased respiratory rate can lead to increased fluid loss. Consume a diet rich in carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to provide the energy and nutrients your body needs for training and recovery.
When hiking up hills, employing proper technique can help conserve energy, maintain balance, and minimize strain on your body.
Here are some tips for the best technique for hiking uphill:
Maintain a steady pace: Find a sustainable rhythm that allows you to maintain a steady pace throughout the ascent. Avoid starting too fast, which can lead to burnout, and find a comfortable speed that suits your fitness level and the steepness of the hill.
Shorten your stride: Take smaller steps and shorten your stride length when hiking uphill. This technique helps you maintain balance and stability while exerting less energy. It also reduces the strain on your leg muscles and joints.
Use your entire foot: Push off with your entire foot, from the heel to the ball, as you step up the hill. This engages your calf muscles and provides more power during the ascent. Avoid relying solely on your toes, as it can cause fatigue and strain in your calf muscles.
Lean slightly forward: Lean your torso slightly forward as you hike uphill. This posture helps you maintain balance and reduces the strain on your lower back. However, be careful not to lean too far forward, as it can throw off your balance. Find a natural and comfortable forward tilt.
Engage your core muscles: Activate your core muscles by drawing your belly button in towards your spine. This helps stabilize your torso and maintain a strong posture while hiking uphill. Engaging your core also aids in balance and reduces the strain on your lower back.
Utilize your arms: Coordinate the movement of your arms with your leg strides. Swing your arms forward and upward as you step up the hill, and let them naturally swing backward as you step down. This arm movement adds momentum and helps you maintain balance and rhythm.
Take breaks when needed: If the ascent is particularly steep or challenging, it's perfectly fine to take short breaks to catch your breath and rest your muscles. Use these breaks strategically, and make sure to maintain your momentum by resuming your hike before you cool down completely.
Stay hydrated and pace yourself: Uphill hiking can be demanding, so ensure you drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout your hike. Pace yourself according to the difficulty of the hill, the length of the trail, and your fitness level. Take into account the elevation gain and plan your breaks accordingly.
5 QF’s WITH BENN (quick facts) Mark Hoult
Favorite Race Experience? Would have to be UTK100. The race starting at Perisher after snow storm changed the course made it the most memorable event ever. 30km of running in snow, then coming below the snow line. Hitting the 67km aid station feeling great with so much energy and looking at my watch knowing at that point I could still run strong and break 13 hours.
Race you want to do? Absolutely has to be UTMB CCC. To be given the opportunity to run with the worlds best athletes thru 3 countries over some of the hardest trails will be fantastic.
Best Learning and Running / Training Tip? If something isn’t working during a race to stop, rest and reset yourself. Look for another strategy to complete that goal.
Favorite Session of the week? Without doubt would have to be my Saturday/Sunday long runs followed by coffee 🤤
Fun Fact / Something about you ? I’m always up for an adventure, anything to do with the outdoors and find it hard to say no when asked to join in, suffer too much FOMO otherwise. 🤣
Stroke No Limits Coaching - stick to the mantra of my 3 D’s #desire #determination #discipline
