Back on Invested with the Crew
BEVE WITH BENN - EP29 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6DWyZGGxyP1AJetInfuqR8?si=0402973cc9674cdc A full week back on deck with the...

Heat Feast...... Sydney.....
Well, the heat was turned up for the Sydney Marathon!! Centennial Park was a dead zone. Lots were dropping pace, dying slowing and could...

A Run Fest & An Ironwood 24 hour
BEVE WITH BENN - EP25 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Yjnn3MG1rogSeIFEZSbsv?si=0cc57584d0464cb4 Another actioned packed weekend of...

Annual City 2 Surf + The Home Stretch Ahead
BEVE WITH BENN - EP24 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3VLZcoa4bmA8YiOYjkUgSB?si=02ffe3b3e23242be Another week rolls on through. The...

BEVE WITH BENN - EP23 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6x39nFaf49qLF1MqhfGpGU?si=fa378d64ea5b4a41 Sunday's Run Dungog, a great event...

Ticking along the trails, week by week
BEVE WITH BENN - EP22 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2DculCT9GCvdX5PUFMn7FW?si=70c9f3fed1c149c0 Tick, tick, tick. The weeks ticking...

Climbing Peaks with No Views
BEVE WITH BENN - EP21 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/051BR513SUiFx72c3sAONk?si=7d48fb0af8db4e7a Another great week of training! Lots...

The Elephant Trail Race - Equal #3rd
ELEPHANT TRAIL RACE 50km - 5:38:52 - 3rd Well, where do we start, what a weekend of outstanding results. At different stages of the...

The Elephant in the Room
BEVE WITH BENN - EP20 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1iP0gW6DgWKVbC2t6VJldR?si=ec7ed6278cb145ae Well what a weekend and was an...

SNL Running in Dungog....
BEVE WITH BENN - EP19 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6rGnFHTTKzHOjM5YP1yvdD?si=73c7eb393fdc4f95 UPCOMING SESSIONS Next weeks Sessions...