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Words that create our own self take - The words we use can make a difference in your world.

Words that create our own self take - The words we use can make a difference in your world.

Common statements that I hear constantly day to day.

I don’t have a plan

I don’t train with groups because I’m not fast enough

I don’t have a goal

I don’t know what my times are

I don’t track my food

I don’t know my weight

I don’t know why

I don’t have anything next to achieve

I am not as good as them

I can’t do that

I should do that

I will try

I should do that

I would do that but

Should – Could – Would – Don’t

There are times when we can let ourselves go and have the flexibility in life to just go with the flow and not follow a strict routine and always have a structure. But it all comes down to the big picture, when you want something, you need to follow some type of structure or have a purpose of the way you do things, otherwise you will just go around in cycles and not totally get where you want or may take you longer to get there.

Playing above the Line ??? ( Take the OAR – Row and take control of your life )

O - Ownership

A – Accountability

R - Responsibility


B – Blame

E – Excuses

D - Denial

Playing Below the Line ??? ( Lying in BED – Using all the statements above )

If you can turn all those statements around to creative into positives your world will change, and you will get some much more out or life and see things in a different way, attract more positive people and positive things to your life. Don’t let people tell you that you can’t do something, if you want something, go for it and believe in yourself.. Change that mindset and have the believe / the confidence to take on the challenges, those negative people that always drag you down, or judge, compare each other, only to make them feel better.

It takes time to grow, to build, to achieve things, its hard work, but work it’s called work for a reason. We thrive on challenging ourselves, so get out of your comfort zone, commit yourself to doing something, it only has to be something little at first but that can then lead to bigger things, one step at a time.

Let’s change these statements around as said - The words we use can make a difference in your world

I don’t have a plan / I have planned

I don’t train with groups because I’m not fast enough / Training with people to get better …..

I don’t have a goal / My goal is ………..

I don’t know what my times are / My best times are ……..

I don’t track my food / This is my food plan …….

I don’t know my weight / I weight …. And I want to get to this weight …..

I don’t know why / I want to achieve this because ……..

I don’t have anything next to achieve / when I achieve this, I will then ……

I am not as good as them / I can do this ….., so when I practice this I will get better

I can’t do that / I can do this instead ………

I should do that / I will do that …….

I will try / I can do that ……

I should do that / I did this …….

I would do that but / I can do this ….. so, then I can do that …..

Should – Could – Would – Don’t

Failing to Plan = Planning to Fail

Using those should help you create the plan and achieve your goals in the future, Be the best version of yourself and live with passion for the process, take the action and all will lead to success to whatever way in which you desire #desiredetermindationdiscipline

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